Wednesday, April 2, 2014

...Doris is no more.

Leave me alone collective lost one of their members… Doris, the cat. She was truly an amazing cat, with tones of love to give to everyone. She was there for the bands that slept here over the years, to show some love or get obsessed with the smell of sweat… She was there to piss into their shoes... She peed on the last banner painted for the struggle. She was there to melt allergic people’s hearts and start their allergies with her determination to show some love to all… We have never met in our lives a more loving cat than Doris. She was slow, and chill, loving and very rarely playful. Our hearts have never met so much sorrow so far… She was our best friend… our family has been ripped… our lives will never be the same again, but times like this makes us realize that we have to stay strong and try to make the best of out of what’s left of our lives together. So…adopt cats, show them love, they will give it back and cherish every moment spent with your animal friends! Also, the non-animal friends …   cause only together we can accomplish stuff! These sad days have shown to us that we are not alone in our sorrow and the support and kind words we get help us heal, thanks for all the solidarity and kindness coming towards us from all over the word.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


despite everything interview
attrito interview
burning bridges
black rhinos, black hoods
it's not just you
natural health
idle hands
why fashion is not my passion
UAS photoreport
political spaces in romania

all copyleft: feel free to print and share it according to your own desires

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

NO BORDERS #10 - in exil

-in exil-

Legendarul festival No Borders din Timisoara este în exil. Cluj-Napoca este un oraş deschis refugiaţilor, aşa că, ne-am unit forţele şi lucrăm împreună pentru NO BORDERS FEST #10 la Cluj, în La Ţevi, duminică, 23 Martie.

Începem seara cu o proiecţie la ora 18:00:
NOISE AND RESISTANCE – voices from the diy underground

iar de la 20:00 FIX încep concertele:

NN [anarcho punk, italia]
PAVILIONUL 32 [very political nomadic drum&bass hardcore punk] –
MC BROKO [teknogrind breakcrustcore, cehia] –
AWWO [black & heavy punk, timişoara] –
VERA RENCZI [the only punk band in the village/sludgeviolence, cluj –faking- napoca]-
+ after party THC [transilvania hardcore soundsystem] -

Pentru cei flămânzi, va fi mâncare vegană gătită cu drag de pretenaşii de la colectivul A-casa//Hrană Nu Bombe.
Pentru cei cu sete de informaţie, vor exista distro-uri şi un infopoint, sub sloganul FII INFORMAT, NU INFORMATOR!


Data: 23 martie 2014
Ora: 18:00
Bands support: 15 ron
Locaţie: La Ţevi (str. Potaissa nr.6, Cluj-Napoca)

*** &
cu super extra mulţumiri: A-casa: şi toată lumea care susţine necondiţionat scena underground diy: SO-LI-DA-RI-TA-TE !